英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 20:05:10
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1. At this juncture we believe the subsidy will not create new demand for commercial vehicles as much as pull forward demand from future months.

2. Roma pushed forward looking to pull one back but were unable to create clear chances.


1. There were no more words now, no dispassionate voice in his head, only a pull—an untouchable something that was dragging him forward by fractions of inches.

2. Keep both knees straight. Flex forward from hips and allow body weigh to drop over front leg. Pull kneecaps up toward hips.

3. pull forward

3. In light of the problems existing in the push-pull type pickling line such as low running speed and low automation degree it puts forward the technological improvement measures in the process segment and points out the direction of development in the future.

4. pull forward的近义词

4. Next, pull on both lines which will allow the nose to rotate forward and unroll through the lines so you can fly off.

5. Plans have been put forward to pull down and rebuild the area.

6. The contribution of this paper, the first is widening the resource concepts of economic geography; the second is promoting creating ideas pattern that put forward the demand-pull theory in the stage of market economic on regional development; the third is summing up the stage regulation and general regulation on regional development; the fourth is Combining the theory and practice, in the light of demand-pull theory, taking Jilin Province as a example, putting forward the sustainable the model ideas, and making it useful.

7. pull forward

7. Utilizing the equilibria of pull and press and the dispersion between placed and unplaced steel bar specimens, this paper put forward the shrinkage stress-time computing formula and elastic modulus-time computing formula of merchandise concrete that offered the reference for controlling merchandise concrete cracks.

8. Firstly the paper defined the concept and characteristic of information and informationsharing in pull tupe supply chain, then analyzes main content and main technology of informationsharing, based on this, puts forward to four information sharing mode.

9. pull forward的翻译

9. Pull your lower lip down (take it forward and down in a circular move) evenly on both sides.

10. The article mainly studies Boll`s 33 matches from 2004 to 2006 through video tapes by literature material method, interview investigation method, statistic observation method, and mathematic statistics method. Some regularities are generalized by comparing the three-phrase general strength, techniques, and tactics that Boll uses in his matches. For example, the frequency of using three-phrase strength and scoring rate from 2004 to 2006 are unstable; the use of serve-and-attack and receive-and-attack are under evaluation standard; right hand low-cast serving from the left side of the table dominate his matches; under spin, reversed side under spin, and side under spin control the serving; the point of fall is mainly on the middle near side of the opponent`s table; forehand cut side spin is used mainly in receiving the ball; forehand twist and side spin cast are mainly used in receiving and the falling point is always on the near side of the table; forward loop drive and high loop drive are used in forehand attack; forward loop drive is used in sideway attack; forward loop drive, in-side-table attack and accelerated loop drive are used in backhand attack; high loop drive to forehand side of opponent to create chance for attack, attack from right side, kill shot and near-table fast pull and block to control the falling point for the chance of attack are the main tactics in the match.

11. Its main advantages are: 1 Ploughshares former can Geng Sada narrow, sharp-angle, and then a small field can be competent. 2, spiral Ploughshares high-speed rotation, tillage Shulan soil formation, may omit rake mud, soil and other pressure Suitu site preparation process. 3, spiral Ploughshares work will push the soil later, will pull the machine forward traction, it can effort can be smaller engine-driven. 4, the spiral Ploughshares work itself traction to overcome the original style, to break through resistance to the plow, the machine tray can be fitted with the lower part of farming feet deep mud paddy field. 5, the spiral Ploughshares put on the handling round, you can use the drive shaft Ploughshares handling round, 20-30 cm wide in the small mountain ridge or drive to complete removal. 6, according to the plane of principle, can also be designed as a multi-Ploughshares, or a variety of forms, suitable for large-scale farming machinery Plain.

12. But making to mangage the list of son remnant to pull existing some problems on stress as well as the material composition, the synthetical effect of various factors such as the corrosiveness medium of existence in the heat exchange system etc causes the heat exchanger emergence stress etching leakage accident to because the unsuitable handle process in the manufacturing course of heat exchanger pistil, influences normal produces, creates very greatly economy loses Research and inquirement have been carried on to stainless steel etching machine reason and the occur basic condition of stress etching and the corrodes cause is analysed and control way etc the aspects to the corruption problem be dead against the large-scale bellows heat exchanger of petroleum chemical industry of this subject, and have put forward the corresponding anticorrosion measure.

13. Secondly, the beginner can let the baby learn to walk in the walker, when the steps towards relatively stable, parents can pull the baby`s hands or one hand so that he learn to move can also be caught in the baby`s rear axillary or with a towel, pulled him forward.

14. pull forward在线翻译

14. Other tiny creatures have whiplike threads with which they pull themselves forward.

15. Combined with CAD software development of grids, the design method of bolt-sphere joint is put forward based on geometry restriction and intensity restriction. The geomitry dimension of each component is determined firstly based on bolt diameter and contexture, then, maximal pull and stress of diversitied bolt are given after intensity restriction of all components is taken into acount.
在网架结构中,节点起着连接汇交杆件、传递屋面荷载和吊车荷载的作用,而网架结构属空间杆系,汇交于一个节点上的杆件至少有 6根,多的可达 1 3根,各杆件间的夹角大小不同,且节点各构件间的几何关系或强度关系相互制约,使得节点设计十分繁杂。

16. I intend to pull forward dreams of abundance and fulfillment in my life dream.

17. EG: Plans have been put forward to pull down and rebuild the area.

18. Then she used her hands to pull herself a little forward on the chair.

19. pull forward的翻译

19. The new system is composed of four push-pull forward converters and one four stage cascaded inverter.


20. Bidirectional high-side currents and bipolar voltage differences are correctly handled by a four-quadrant multiplier and push-pull output stage, which allow the device to indicate forward and reverse power flow.

You pull through to the spot in front so that when you return to thecar you can drive forward out of the parking spot.(你将车开进前面的车位以便返回时可以向前开出停车位。)
Not to bore you with the details, but we drop to under 10,000 feet and pull open the forward cabin door.(就不跟你讲那些惹人烦的细节了,最后我们跌到10000英尺以下,打开了机舱前门。)
The video shows a car with tinted Windows pull into a parking space, shortly followed by Lincoln in a leather coat, arm pointed forward with a gun.(视频显示一辆带浅色窗户的汽车驶入了停车位,不久lincoln走入摄像机的拍摄角度,穿着一件皮外套,手臂向前伸出,手中拿着一把枪。)
Shortening your stride will prevent your feet from landing in front of your body, which causes the muscles of your lower leg, specifically your knees and shins, to have to pull your body forward.(缩短你的跨步可以防止你的脚在你身体前方着地,这也是你的小腿,尤其是膝盖和胫部的肌肉把你身体拉向前的原因。)
The forward-backward difference can not only detect the static and motion regions but also detect the 3-2 Pull-Downed movie sequences.(对于检测到的电影序列,则进行32下拉恢复处理,输出电影模式的逐行扫描帧;)
Rather than pull back from the world, we need to press forward and renew our leadership.(我们不应减少对世界事务的参与,而是需要奋勇向前,继续发挥领导作用。)
In the cockpit, I push the throttle forward and pull the yoke back until we fly high enough.(我回到驾驶舱里,开大节流阀加速,将“舵杆”向后拉,直到飞得足够高。)
This change in polarity causes the magnetic field in front of the train to pull the vehicle forward, while the magnetic field behind the train adds more forward thrust.(这种极性的变化导致列车前方牵引列车前进的电磁场,同时列车后面的电磁场加上了更多的向前推力。)
This paper demonstrates a novel ZCT push-pull forward boosting power supply's main circuit. It analyzes the main circuit's principle and calculates the auxiliary circuit's parameters.(介绍了一种新颖ZCT推挽正激软开关升压电源主电路,对该主电路工作原理进行了详细分析,并对辅助谐振电路参数进行公式推导。)
Once you are in the parking space, move forward or backward to fit within the pavement markings or to allow room for the vehicle in front or behind you to pull out.(一旦进入停车位,向前或向后移动,完全停入路面标线或是为前后车留出驶出车位的空间。)
pull forward是什么意思 pull forward在线翻译 pull forward什么意思 pull forward的意思 pull forward的翻译 pull forward的解释 pull forward的发音 pull forward的同义词